Home Inspections

A home inspection can relieve some of the stress of purchasing a house. Independent home inspectors can give a buyer a full assessment of the property he or she is considering purchasing. The inspector's report provides a full and unbiased evaluation of the house's condition and indicates whether the house needs any work or may need work in the future. Reviewing a home inspection report with a real estate attorney can provide a buyer with an advantage when negotiating the purchase.

Obviously, a buyer should inspect a house before making a decision. However, a professional inspection should be done to uncover less obvious defects. USDA and VA loans require a thorough inspection.  Don't be confused, an appraisal is focused on the property's value, and not condition.

Home inspectors look at a number of things, including:

  • Structural issues. These include the foundation, ceilings, walls, floors, and roof.
  • Mechanical systems. These include the electrical system, plumbing and waste disposal, heating and air conditioning, water source and quality.
  • Construction issues. These include ventilation, insulation, windows, and doors.

When inspectors discover problems, they may recommend a more thorough investigation. Buyers should also consider requesting inspection for health-related issues such as radon, lead, or asbestos. Many buyers prefer to attend the inspection, although this is not necessary. Many inspectors will answer questions about their findings and offer an objective opinion at the inspection.
If it is impossible to get an inspection before purchase, the buyer can include an inspection clause in the offer. This allows the buyer to back out of the purchase if an inspection reveals serious problems.  It can also require the seller to adjust the sale price or repair problems before purchase.

The cost of an inspection is generally less than the hassel of undiscovered drama in a new purchase. It is well worth the price to disclose problems with the property's value and safety.

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